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Climate Crisis

Scrutinizing potential solutions to the ecological and political challenges of industrialization, global warming and biodiversity loss.


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From the wacky to the curious, efforts to save the world's coral reefs face a race against time.rn
Reducing emissions won't stop climate change. But carbon capture might.
Scientists have discovered a massive ecosystem that's vital to combatting climate change.
A new climate awareness confronts the inertia of consumer society.
Scientists have discovered a massive ecosystem that's vital to combatting climate change.
This centuries-old tradition is now under threat.
“Networks of the willing” linking cities, states and businesses are meeting the Paris goals to reduce greenhouse gases.
Take a deep, slow breath, and throw away that bucket list for good.
Ahead of the U.N. climate conference in Bonn, Germany, it is clear that the shift toward renewable energy is happening faster than we expected.
Ixelis’s fetus has no arms, feet or cranium and its heart is compromised. But the government prohibits her from having an abortion.