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Climate Crisis

Scrutinizing potential solutions to the ecological and political challenges of industrialization, global warming and biodiversity loss.


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Meanwhile, Donald J. Trump has proposed slashing foreign aid.
The Chinese city of Rizhao wants to go carbon neutral. It’s a tough job.
David Biello is the science curator at TED Talks and the author of "The Unnatural World: The Race to Remake Civilization in Earth's Newest Age."
Lauren Markham is a writer and reporter based in Northern California, covering issues related to youth, migration and the environment. Her work has been published in ou
It would create jobs for would-be immigrants and a climate of civility between nations.
Dien Luong is a freelance investigative journalist from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, covering politics, inequality and globalization. He holds a Master's degree from the
Long before the Marshall Islands disappear under rising seas, finding freshwater will become the most urgent consequence of climate change.