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Digital Society

Examining the disruptive impact of the internet on psyche, society and governance.


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The Internet is now the battleground of tribal warfare, where a cacophony of voices fight to establish consensual truths.
« If the protests become violent, they will fail, » says Abol Hassan Bani-Sadr.
Workers must be insured against the risk that their jobs might become obsolete.rn
“Networks of the willing” linking cities, states and businesses are meeting the Paris goals to reduce greenhouse gases.
Ixelis’s fetus has no arms, feet or cranium and its heart is compromised. But the government prohibits her from having an abortion.
As democracies dither, China aims to conquer the latest technologies and chart the next phase of globalization.
What matters is who makes the choices behind what intelligent machines do.
As populations gray, we should use AI to prolong independence.